Thursday, April 8, 2010


Stepping cautiously from the busted up side walk, looking both ways for oncoming traffic I follow Daniel across Ave de Chapultepec as he steps wisely through his city.

We pass smart, gently lit up cafe´s, a jazz club, a couple of corner white tablecloth bistro´s to an outdoor walk up bar. We order two mezcals before we continue on our way through the Condessa, a developed restaurant and bar neighborhood just outside downtown Mexico City.

Ducking into a nameless tapas bar Daniel tells me. "In Mexico City there is only one rule. Open your eyes."

After a few tapas and a couple more shots of mezcal we walk outside where Daniel can take in a smoke.

As I sat I watched, a man in harache sandals push a large display of luchadora masks down the colonial street, followed by a guy pushing a billowing, steel drum stove, in which he roasts and sells sweetroots dipped in sugar, just like has been done on that avenue since the 16th century.

Thanks for the advice Daniel.

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